Sunday, May 28, 2006

Intro - What Does X Marks the Spots Mean?

"My Greatest Regret in Life is Not Having Been Born With Forty Years Experience!"


My vision for this blog is to share practical information with you that you will be able take action on. How many times has it happened to you that if you had access to certain information or knowledge at an earlier time in your life, you would have made better choices or taken a different path in life? Sometimes certain knowledge can be so powerful that it can change the outcome and quality of people's lives. My goal is to share and exchange what I've learned so far with you while learning from you at the same time, with the intention of improving the quality of our lives. Welcome to X marks the spots!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, what does X Marks the Spots Mean? Well my name begins with an X so that explains the X part of it. And we all know that buried treasure is marked with an X of some sort. In this case the treasures are powerful pieces of information that can have a huge impact on your life. Happy Hunting!